FROM THE PASTOR’ DESK - Putting Oil In Our Lamps

November 20, 2023


Welcome to our updated parish website!

This year again, All Saints and All Souls’ celebrations attracted many parishioners. They did not forget that All Saints Day is still a Holy Day of Obligation in the Roman Catholic Church. All Souls’ celebration has always been a celebration of healing and fervent prayers. The 7pm mass was well attended as if it were a 1pm Sunday mass. The ceremony of the lights during the mass was particularly moving and beautiful. I thank and congratulate everyone for their presence and active participation as we continue to move forward to a better experience of parish liturgy.

In this weekend’s parable ten virgins were expecting the bridegroom’s return. Five of them, called foolish, came with no oil in their lamps; the other five brought with them some flasks of oil. Since the bridegroom was long delayed, they all became drowsy and fell asleep. The gospel does not say that the foolish virgins fell asleep while the wise virgins were vigilant but ‘they all fell asleep.’ Therefore, what made the other five so wise was they brought oil for their lamps. We, Christ’s disciples, expecting our master’s return, we often fall asleep like those ten virgins. Although baptized Christians, we are still living our weakness and sinfulness. As St Paul explains, we want but we can’t. We are called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. And yet our life is not that inspiring. We all are sleepers on the way. We need help and healing like everyone. But our greatest wisdom is that we come to the right place to get it. Pope Francis likes to compare the Church to a true hospital where Christ, the greatest Physician ever takes great pleasure in touching, healing, and saving us. As we live in Christ’s discipleship, praying and spreading the love, we put oil in our lamps and let God’s strength overcome our failings.

Have a good week !

Fr. Breneville

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