Saint Angela's Parish
Coordinator: Bernadette Obas
Coordinator: Josette Beaubrun
If you need more information regarding both programs please feel free to contact:
Bernadette Obas: at 617-842-6256 for the religious Education program
Josette Beaubrun: at 617-620-1277 for the Confirmation Program.
Thank you!
Saint Angela's Religious Education Program seeks to reach children from kindergarten through eighth grade, the Confirmation Program seeks to reach high school students from 9th to 12th grade by proclaiming Christ’s message through Instruction, Prayer Experiences, Sacraments of Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation and Day of Recollection. We realize that our ministry is accomplished in partnership with the parents who are the primary catechists. Together we will proclaim Christ’s message, help develop Christian community, lead the students in prayer and worship and motivate them to do Christian Services.
St Angela's Religious Education Program is also an essential part of the mission of the Parish. The Parish supports the parents of the children who are the primary teachers of the faith. The goal of the program is to form the students to be disciples of Jesus Christ, capable of living life with Catholic-Christian values. The programs are rooted in the Sunday celebration of the Eucharist where the entire Parish draws strength from both Word and Holy Communion. The Religious Education program is intended for the children who attend schools that do not have formal Religious Education. Since we use a “whole community” catechesis model, the Religious Education and the Confirmation Programs provide educational opportunities for the parents.
Coordinator: Rose Denise Gilles,
Our vision is for every child to develop a personal relationship and a firing love for Christ and an understanding of his purpose to the world and to each other.
Mission Statement: "Train up a child in the way he or she should go; even when he or she is old he will not depart from it".Proverbs 22:6
Religious Education at Saint Matthew Church mission is to partner with parents by providing a strong and safe spiritual environment that protects our children and encourages Christian principles. Our goal is for children to encounter the love of God at all stages of life and to enter into a closer personal relationship with Jesus Christ through His Church. Our motto is to teach respect for others and self; to elevate strong leadership skills; make them accountable for their actions; and help them to grow in the Catholic faith by serving God and one another. We accomplish this through witnesses, catechesis, devotion and faith sharing.