A Welcoming Catholic Community in Mattapan & Dorchester Called by God to Live Out the Message of Christ.
Saturday Vigil | 4:00 PM | ENGLISH | in the Chapel.
SUNDAY | 7:00 AM (multilingual) | 9:00 AM (FRENCH)
11:00 AM (ENGLISH) | 1:00 PM (Haitian Creole/French).
WEEKDAYS | 9:00 AM Daily in Haitian/Creole & French in the Chapel
Wednesdays: 9 AM in ENGLISH | 5 PM in Haitian Creole/French.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Every Wednesday from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM in the chapel
with Confessions Hearing at 4 PM followed by Holy Mass in Haitian Creole/French.
Holy Day Masses
9:00 AM
Others as announced.
Saturdays at 5:00 PM + Wednesdays from 4:00 to 5:00 PM
and 30 minutes before the Celebration of the Holy Mass.
- SUNDAYS from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM for First Holy Communion.
- SUNDAYS from 9:00 AM to 10:15 AM for CONFIRMATION
THE WAY OF THE CROSS during Lent | 7:00 PM
Thursdays in ENGLISH + Fridays in Haitian
Charismatic Renewal | PRAYERS | Louanges Mariales | Novenas & Triduum
We are a welcoming Roman Catholic community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people, through the Sacraments and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Our parish communities are multi-ethnic and committed to serving God and others. We welcome sinners and we seek the lost. We strive to be a community of faith, service, and reconciliation, deeply grounded in the commandment of love preached by Jesus Christ. We ask you to join us on this Mission using our gifts, talents, and time to graciously nourish others.
Date: November 20, 2023-April 19, 2024
Time: 09:00 AM -- Multiday
Location: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel's Chapel - | 1540 Blue Hill Avenue, Use the entrance at the back of the church., Mattapan, MA 02126
From Monday thru Saturday: Holy Mass in Haitian Creole & French at 9:00 AM at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel's Parish in Mattapan and Dorchester.
A Roman Catholic Parish of the Archdiocese of Boston in the USA.
Date: November 21, 2023-April 20, 2024
Time: 09:00 AM -- Multiday
Location: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel's Chapel - | 1540 Blue Hill Avenue, Use the entrance at the back of the church., Mattapan, MA 02126
From Monday thru Saturday: Holy Mass in Haitian Creole & French at 9:00 AM at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel's Parish in Mattapan and Dorchester.
A Roman Catholic Parish of the Archdiocese of Boston in the USA.
Date: November 22, 2023
Time: 09:00 AM -- 09:55 AM
Location: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel's Chapel - | 1540 Blue Hill Avenue, Use the entrance at the back of the church., Mattapan, MA 02126
Contact: Our Lady of Mt Carmel Parish | 617-298-0080
Wednesday's Celebration of the Holy Mass at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel's Parish/St. Angela's Church (Chapel). Mass starts at 9 AM in ENGLISH and is celebrated in the chapel.
Use the entrance at the back of the church (church parking lot) from Babson street.
Date: November 22, 2023-April 17, 2024
Time: 04:00 PM -- Multiday
Confessions & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament | Starts at 4:00 PM. Ends at 5:00 PM for Holy Mass at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel's Parish Chapel in Mattapan.
A Roman Catholic Parish of the Archdiocese of Boston in the USA.
And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."